More on Human Design

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When we look at our charts, we can learn a lot just by looking. When we have a center that shows itself as white (undefined), we know we are very open and sensitive to the influence of other people, emotions, and ideas in that place.

Undefined head centers can make it hard to retain facts for tests. We likely will find ourselves putting lots of structures in place to remember details. We are here to let information pass through us.

An undefined solar plexus, the far right triangle, feels strongly the emotions of others but may not realize the feelings are not their own. This can lead to a lot of emotional instability, reaction, and confusion. If you can just walk away and take space to yourself, these emotions will go away.

An undefined ego, the tiny triangle off-center middle-ish, has us doubt ourselves constantly no matter our grades, our accomplishments, rewards, etc. If we can learn that we may never be certain, but we can move ahead anyway with nothing to prove, life can be much easier.

Each center has certain pressures and gifts and discomforts.



When we look at our charts, we can also see our type. We all have a correct way of operating that makes everything easier for us.

Most people on the planet are Generators. Generators get satisfaction from working, creating, accomplishing goals, and wearing themselves out with their energy just to get busy with it all again the next day. When healthy, they tend to have the most physical energy of all the types.

But what if you are a different type? Probably you've spent plenty of time feeling tired and like this is a very weird planet. When we know we are different, we can protect our energy and health and allow ourselves the right to move through the world differently by using our strategies. (Above in blue.)

Each type has certain gifts and challenges.

Projectors can usually see very clearly how to do things more efficiently. They are here to specialize, lead and consult. However, offering their information without invitation almost always leads to rejection. They must first be recognized. Their strong voice can make fitting in very challenging.

Manifestors are here to lead by speaking once they have clarity of vision. Their voice is their powerhouse. We often hear them more loudly and strongly than they intend.

Reflectors feel everything around them. They are very sensitive and probably feel most comfortable with lots of time away from others though friends are still welcome. Life can feel very cringey for these gentle people.

And soooo much more!